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Holding Health Care Professionals Accountable

Although there have been great advances in modern medicine, there is still much that we do not know or understand about the human body. The law recognizes this, along with the fact that doctors cannot be expected to be perfect, all-knowing and infallible. Doctors are only expected to meet “the standards of normal care,” defined as that level of care, skill and treatment that is recognized as acceptable and appropriate by similar health care providers. If a doctor’s care was substandard and resulted in injury or death, the doctor may be held accountable for medical malpractice.

If you suspect that either you or a family member has not received appropriate care and has been seriously harmed as a result, contact attorney John LaCava for a free consultation and an honest evaluation of your medical malpractice claim.

Did Malpractice Occur In Your Case?

At the Law Offices of John J. LaCava, LLC, in Stamford, we will review your medical malpractice case with you. It is important to recognize that not every unexpected medical outcome is due to a doctor’s negligence. However, experience with medical malpractice cases has also shown us that doctors and other licensed health care professionals do make mistakes and must be held responsible for substandard care. Our medical malpractice and wrongful death lawsuits involve a wide range of negligence and misconduct, including:

Pursuing A Medical Malpractice Claim

In Connecticut, before you can file a medical malpractice claim, you must first obtain the written opinion of a doctor with similar expertise who is willing to state that medical malpractice occurred in your case. Because many doctors are hesitant to testify against their peers, this is not always easy to get. Our lawyers can assist in locating appropriate experts, help you find appropriate medical help, and provide you with the kind of strong representation and trial experience you need in these types of cases.

Get A Free Consultation

Call our office to discuss your specific situation in a no-cost consultation. Or, if you prefer, complete the brief online form.

You will pay no fees or costs unless we recover compensation in your case.

Client Testimonials

John LaCava has done a more than excellent job representing me in my personal injury law suit. His thorough and caring manner had me completely at ease throughout the process and gave me full confidence in my representation. I would highly recommend him to anyone going through the kind of painful accident I experienced, as the attorney who will ensure that your case is taken care of in a truly professional and very experienced way.
Patt C.